Science and Technology:

Software engineering, Agile,

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

V Model Vs. Agile Methods: An historical explanation

The battle between traditional and well-established concepts against new and modern ideas is as old as the human being. The reticence to changes is also inherent to any society.
The following story gives a good example about this eternal contest . . .
Galileo Galilei was accused of witchcraft and heresy and he had to defend his ‘heretical’ theory about the heliocentric planet movement model (the model where the Earth turns around the Sun) face to the traditional geocentric model (the model where the Earth is in the center of the Universe). Galileo didn’t want to irritate the Church, and then he decided to develop his arguments as follows:
… “Your geocentric model explaining the Universe is not false; however it is quite more complicated than mine. Your model works, it allows to represent the planets’ trajectory; nevertheless I’m sure that the scientific community could take a huge advantage of my model since it is much more simple”.

Deferent and epicycle

The planets are assumed to move in a small circle, called an epicycle, which in turn moves along a larger circle called a deferent.
Copernican system
This is the heliocentric simplified system described by Copernicus in "De evolutionibus"
This simplified example shows us how traditional and dogmatic theories can slow the new ideas.
Most of the people working on software development can affirm that traditional models such as Waterfall and V model are not applied on real systems. However, this is still a standard on most industry processes.
It is true that many project have successfully applied these methods, but they could have reduced their duration and cost by using Agile methods.
David Garduno
A good explanation about Agile methods can be found in Wikipedia
A little explanation about the V model
However, I prefer the french explanation

Monday, May 26, 2008

Phoenix spacecraft landed on May 25, 2008 in Mars' north pole


Phoenix Mars Lander spacecraft landed today in the arctic plains after a 10-month, 422 million-mile journey.

One of the questions to be answered by this spacecraft is: is it possible that Mars had know the correct conditions for life development?

In this context we ask ourselves: which are the conditions, other than water, which preserved the life on Earth.

The goal is not to know if life has once existed in Mars or not, but to explain why it has extinguished on Mars while it has been preserved on earth. This is an important question in since the human being is overwhelming our environment.

We'll be waiting for some images from the rover.

More information about Phoenix in Wikipedia
D. Garduno